Friday, May 9, 2008


I know, that by the title, you think that I'm jealous. To start, I'm not the jealous type. It happens rarely to me. But I like Colin. Not as desperate as love, but enough to get jealous and think badly. There's this girl in our class (I'll be nice; let's call her Mary) that Colin sits next to. Mary and I were pretty good friends at the begining of the year, but not so good any more. It's not that we don't like each other; no, Mary's nice. But we're not as good of friends. It doesn't matter. Anyway, Colin sits next to her in home room and science. She only has 3 classes with us. She wasn't brilliant enough to make it in our math class, the most advance one in the school. You practicly have to sell your grandma to get in. If you score 99% or higher on the math placement test, you're in. So that's one thing I trumph her in. And that's it. She's got an A+ average in science (well, I do too), and a higher grade in social studies. Mary skipped a grade just to add to it. She's amazing in language arts (Colin, Mary and I share the ELA class). AND she's in jazz band. ARRRRR! But that's not the only reason that I think I'm jealous. Mary seems to be able to get in the smarter kids croud prety well (as in Colin, my two other friends and I. We're in all the enriched classes. The highest you can get. We are some of the smartest kids in the entire building). So Mary gets to be with Colin as much as she wants. REPEAT: ARRRRRRRR!. I good now. Sorry. Where was I? Oh yes: ANOTHER reason that I think that I'm jealous. This is probably the biggest reason: Mary can get Colin to laugh. Ohhhh, how I try to get that boy to laugh. This may be an example of how much I like him, but I think that his laugh is like the best sound that I can hear. For me, I try so very hard to get Colin to laugh (partly for my own enjoyment). It rarely works. But when it does...something happens. After we both stop lauging, our eyes lock. Our cheeks get bright red. Then we turn away. I love it. Anyway, Mary can just get him to laugh willy nilly. It kills me. I wish that I had that ability. But I feel as if it's not the same laugh; the after action deffinatly doesn't happen. I know what you're thinking: Mary being drop-dead gorgeous is this pathetic girl's last reason of jealousy. Nope. Mary cut her hair short; too short. She had a boy's cut. Everyone loves how different she is! She speaks her mind, total veggie, and an eco-maniac. That's my last reason of jealousy: she get's great thoughts. Then again, thre's nothing that I can do about that. I just hope that Colin doesn't cave in and give her a ton of attention too. I can't get my hopes up that he likes me, but if there's a number-2 wish, it would be that he doen't trump her over me.

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