Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Wonderful Night

Ok, I know: I haven't posted in a long, long time. I've been really busy...Anyway, last night was my block party. I was invited to Colin's, so I invited him to mine. I invited all of my girlfriends, but they were busy. So it was just Colin and me. And all of the other girls (Jessie, Noah, Sarah) who either lived on my street, or was invited. I made Colin do our traditional whip cream-and-bubblegum game, which was so much fun. Noah smashed the whip cream in my face (in front of Colin) and I chased her and Jessie down the street. Although it should have been embarrassing, it was really fun. I didn't care that Colin was watching us, and I had whip cream everywhere. It was just fun.
Then we did a water balloon toss. Colin was my partner, and we made it pretty far. Especially because I dropped it once, and it didn't pop. But then he threw it, and I caught it a bit to tight. It popped all over me. But once again, even though I'm standing by Colin and I'm soaking wet, it was fun!! Then we played capture the flag, which wasn't that special (the other team cheated) and ate pizza. It was what was after dinner that was fun(ny).
Colin and I were talking about the last day of school, when Anna and Clare dared us to either kiss, or say if we wanted to. Then Emily and Archer come out with fully-loaded water guns. And they start squirting me. Colin and I got up and ran, and they started shooting him. Then like 4 other kids came out with water guns, and started shooting us. First of, what do they have against me?!? Second of, What do they have against Colin?!? They don't even know him! Actually, he said that: "What do they have against me? I don't even know them!". So we ran for a while, just up and down the street. He stopped running, just so kids could squirt him, while I hid behind a tree from a fully-loaded Jessie. Then, Noah pured a glass of water on me, and I screamed and chased her around the street, and commanded the kids to shoot her. And they did! By now, Colin's at my side, giving me another hug (we did that a lot. He hugged me more than he ever has)and laughing (which is pretty rare) right alongside me. Again, I'm soaping wet, but I don't care that Colin's with me. I think that it was more fun for me that he saw me like this; being myself, openly. I went in to get a change of clothes, and an umbrella. Jessie, Colin and I hid behind the umbrella from the squirts for a while. I was nestled up against Colin, but not just because the umbrella was small... :) Soon it got dark out, so Jessie, Sarah, Noah, Colin and I went and sat on my yard. Noah threw a pixie stick on my head, and Colin started laughing. Now remember that he doesn't laugh or smile a lot. But today, he was smiling a ton, and laughing too. So there he is, laughing at me. I pushed him over and called him a jerk (remember the nicknames?). Then I took his hat. He started chasing me around the yard, but for some reason I outran him for a while. Finally, he wrapped his arms around me, into a tight hug, and tried to get the hat back. The whole thing was the most boyfriendish-girlfriendish thing we've ever done. Well, he got his hat back. Only for it to be stolen again by me multiple times after that. When Sarah and Noah went home, Colin, Jessie and I went to Jessie's backyard. Colin and I were playing a bad game of volleyball with a big tennis ball. I grabbed his hat when he was laughing at me, and he chased me around the yard. He forced me into another tight hug, leaned in, and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled, pulled back, and threw his hat into the air. Not much happened after that. We played Rock Band with Jessie (I had to sing because I lost a bet on Carnival Games). We tried to make Colin sing, but after two lines, we made him stop. So we went to Jessie's house. Jessie started playing the piano, so Colin and I tried. We were playing Contradance together. We talked about the clarinet and the trumpet until my mom called to say that Colin's dad was there. We walked back to my house with Jessie, hand in hand. Colin's dad stayed for a while, so we sat on the grass and talked, I stole his hat again (for like the 10th time) and hugged. His dad said it was time to go 20 minutes later, thus concluding a wonderful night. And what a wonderful way to end a wonderful night like another kiss from your boyfriend.

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