Friday, July 18, 2008

A Picture

He came to my fourth of July party. That was so much fun. His whole family came, along with my other friends and their families. Anyway, my friend's mom got a picture of us together and sent it to my mom. I put it in my files, then looked at it close up. He doesn't smile often, which, now that I think about it, sorta disturbs me. Not much at all, but a bit. He smiles when he's around me, but not much after that. He laughs and smiles then, but other than that he stands and "looks tough" sorta. Not really, but in a way, right? So as I was saying, I was checking the picture (he was half smiling, by the way) when I looked at his eyes (through his glasses). A shiver went up my body. It's like when you look at your crush and they look back and you get flustered. Except I was looking at a pic of him. I melted. I had to close the window. It exhilarates me, like adrenaline almost. Yet better.

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