Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Play

I really like him. I know I do. We hold hands, hug and stuff (NO, not kissing. blah) all the time in public. I love it; and so does he. He's the star in our Drama Club play which is Willy Wonka Jr. He plays Charlie Bucket, and he's totally tone-deaf. None of us (including him) know how he got the part. Either way, it's sorta hard to remain loyal to him when everyone around you is making fun of him. I feel so bad for him, and I'm proud that I don't make fun of him. I'm proud to have him as my boyfriend, tone-deaf or not. The best part about the play is that we've done a total of 6 performances, counting tonight. He plays the cool-factor, but I know that he's sorta scared deep down. So what does his loyal, supportive, encouraging girlfriend do before every show? I start by holding his hand when we're waiting for places, then give him a good-luck hug before he goes on stage; no matter what anyone says, he's the bravest, greatest person in the world to me, and he deserves o know that. Or at least interpret it.

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