Friday, May 30, 2008


Ok, I really hope that Colin likes me. I have from the start. But now I'm getting signs. Good signs;don't worry. I love it. He's giving me signs like looking at me in ELA. And smiling at me. It makes my heart flutter every time. He sits next to me in my math class. The best part: I can hug him. Not big time. But half hugs. Like put your arm around his shoulder, and he puts his arm around yours. He's the main character in our drama club play. I am working backstage with others, and our last rehersal, he was waiting backstage. He had just gotten off and was standing with others. As I walkied by, I told him, "Nice job". He was taken aback, but grasped what I had said by the time that I started walking away, father backstage. He turned to me and said, "Thanks". I smiled, and continued walking away, when he turned around again and said, "Really". Now, I must admit, he's not that great of a singer. But he tries, and I can see it in his eyes. He's a good actor, though, no matter how hard he tries. I guess not many people tell him that. But he seemed to really like it when I said it. And I really ment it.

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